Few Bother to Respond to BLS Surveys Anymore (And Why That’s Important)
DECEMBER 8, 2024
BLS response rates plunged after COVID and never recovered, especially job market surveys.
DECEMBER 8, 2024
BLS response rates plunged after COVID and never recovered, especially job market surveys.
Seth Godin Blog
DECEMBER 8, 2024
We spend a lot of time in our own heads, certain that our path and our method make sense. We often become more certain in the face of criticism or even suggestions. This confidence is essential, as it allows us to lean into our project. Once in a while, though, it might help to model the alternative. What if they’re right? How would that play out?
Leadership Vision Consulting
DECEMBER 8, 2024
In this final episode of 2024, I wanted to explore the idea of Ma, a Japanese concept of the space in between. It's something I'm going to try and do more of in my life this coming year, and invite you to do the same. Throughout this episode, I reflect on this idea and how it can be applied to life and leadership, and share practical takeaways for leaders to implement Ma in their lives.
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